Studying Methods: Hard vs Smart Learning

3 min readOct 29, 2022


As a student yourself, you have your own studying methods. If you’re active on social media; particularly on Studygram, you’d be familiar with the terms hard and smart studying. So, what’s the fuss about them? And why are students against one more than the other?

1- Definitions:

Hard Studying:

Hard studying is when you put way too much effort while learning. It can be referred to as a full-time job, really, because it does feel like a 9–5 one.

Smart Studying:

Smart studying is pretty much the opposite of hard studying. It’s when you study effectively, without consuming time and draining every single drop of energy you have.

2- Pros and Cons:

Hard Learning, despite popular beliefs, does have some positives:1- It ensures you do your work properly.
2- It enforces repetition which is KEY.
3- It leads to consistency with your studies.
4- It develops habits.
5- It is efficient.
6- It gets you used to working under pressure for future situations.
Its Negatives:
1- It's time-wasting.
2- It's energy-wasting.
3- Not many people can handle studying for long hours with little to no breaks.
4- Not everyone can handle enormous stress.
5- It leads to a bad mental state.6- It causes overworking.
7- It develops studying OCD.
8- It deteriorates your health.

Now for smart learning, there’s really nothing much to say regarding its cons. It sure is the healthiest studying method as it saves time and energy while being efficient and ensures your mental state doesn’t deteriorate.


It doesn’t take a genius to realise that smart learning is the righteous method. Not even a hard learner such as myself. Yes, this does sound paradoxical, but ever since I knew what education and academic validation meant, I couldn’t shake off the way I studied. It just stuck with me. And as years passed, it became so much harder to get rid of it. I’m still trying my best to do so, but it doesn’t happen quite easily.

Hard vs smart learning has sparked controversy among people; particularly students as each one has their own preferred technique. All I can do is advise you for the better because I know what over-studying and its side effects feel like. Though, at the same time, I can’t force you to go by a method you’re not comfortable with. However, it’s important to remember that your health; mentally and physically, matters. Remind yourself to take a deep breath and calm down. To take a break and lie down. To stop overthinking and doubting yourself. It’s not about the number of hours we study, it’s about efficiency. Learn to love yourself and heal, because that’s truly what matters the most.

If you need more tips regarding study motivation, school tips, how to deal with exam anxiety and many more, I kindly suggest following Thy Academia’s official Instagram account as it will contain many tips for romanticising your studying and educational year.




Written by thyacademia

An inside look into the world of studying from the perspective of a straight-A student.

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